The RANGGO App Advertising Opportunities

Check out the RANGGO App Advertising Opportunities!

Our new RANGGO App is the first of its kind, aimed specifically at the Hospitality, Tourism and Service industry’s rank & file employees, and those who employ them, with a range of great features and functions.


RANGGO App offers prominent advertising and promotional opportunities to our Business Partners.


Banner Add Php 50,000 per month
Ad Premium Loyalty Listing Php 5,000 per month
Php 4,500 per month for 6 months
Php 4,000 per month for 1 year
Sponsored Ad Php 5,000 per month
plus freebies to be given away
Pop Up Ad Home Page Php 20,000 per month
Php 15,000 per month for 6 months
Php 10,000 per month for 1 year
Pop Up Ad Other Feature Php 15,000 per month
Php 10,000 per month for 6 months
Php 5,000 per month for 1 year
MY RANGGO Website and Hub Article, Social Media Sites Php 15,000 per month
Loyalty Partner Deal 15% Minimum Commission
(Variable split between Subscriber and RANGGO)

Other RANGGO App Features:



A Company Profile your employees can link to.

A Business Employee Network function, for internal messages, alerts and business-related posts. Event creation, internally for its workforce as well as general events to other App Subscribers. Loyalty Deal upload function. Promo and Marketing Adverts to a live audience.

HR Features; an internal KPI function, helping businesses to identify their outstanding employees for recognition, promotion or as potential mentors for new, or less consistent workmates. The app will provide business with additional recognition and promotion through their exceptional and highly ranked employees.


A Social Profile with space to detail all their skills and work experience.

Social Media function offering a newsfeed, putting a wealth of informative articles and resources at their fingertips. Peer Networking to chat with other people working in their industry, field or company.  Events whether industry related, workshops or recreational events AND the ability to create events to meet up with colleagues, or other working in the same position, or for the same company.

The  App’s Ranking feature will provide recognition for their hard work, diligence, and professionalism. Exclusive Loyalty Deals offered by our Business Partners, whether Buy1Get1 or Discounts for food, drink and even hotel stays.


With its Ranking Feature, the App serves to elevate excellent customer service and good practices through direct recognition of the industry’s employees. The article rich Newsfeed and downloadable Resources will serve to promote good practice and trending Service Standards in the industry. the exclusive Loyalty Deals and promotions available to subscribers, will encourage them to visit our industry business partners, building customer loyalty and a sense of camaraderie.

What do you think?

Written by Mike Vargas

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