Hospitality Superheroes And Villains

I had a bit of fun thinking up the typical Hospitality Superheroes and Villains you may find yourself working with.

We don’t actually live inside a Marvel or a DC comic book. But we do work in an environment where you need superhuman patience every day.  An environment where we do selfless acts for others. And where we often have to make sacrifices to save the day.

And we can encounter many different hospitality superheroes and villains, as we trudge through our days. Trying to do good, fight evil and make a difference.

Here are some of the Hospitality Superheroes and Villains you may find in your workplace.  I’m sure you will recognize some of them!

The Hulk

He is your co-worker who is super chill and laid back… Until he gets stressed out and overwhelmed with too many guests and too many tasks. 

Then watch him transform into someone whom everyone is afraid to approach. He snarls at you when you ask him for anything. And he is completely unrecognizable from his usual self.

The Flash

Mr. Efficiency. He gets things done fast. 

He is able to finish double or triple the work of an average person. He is also the fastest to disappear when it’s time to go home.


He’s the one who irons out situations and turns things around. 

Guest complaints? Emergencies? Service breakdowns? 

Ironman will iron it out. 

Also known as the Duty Manager.

Dr. Strange

He’s your coworker who nobody understands. Very strange indeed. 

He lives in his own little world and says things nobody gets. 

He also looks at things differently.  Which is how he is sometimes able to solve the problems no one else can.


She’s so flexible, she can perform any task you need her to. 

Need someone to man the front desk? She’s your girl. 

Someone needs to do a showroom? Got it. 

Housekeeping needs help? She’s on it. 

Everyone loves an Elastigirl!


‘Son of God’ aka your coworker with “connections.” 

He or she is probably personally endorsed by the owner, or someone from the top management. Practically untouchable and not generally someone that people feel comfortable to be around. 

You better watch what you say when Thor is there.

Professor X

The one who knows pretty much everything. 

Usually the Supervisor or Manager who’s been there the longest, they can answer any product knowledge questions within seconds. 

Having years of experience, they also have the power to read the minds of guests.  And provide exactly the right thing, to make them delighted, or fix a problem.


He’s your coworker who you suddenly can’t find when it gets busy. 

Like a small insect, he can disappear into nooks and crannies. Until the tidal wave of guests is over. Then he reappears

Wonder Woman

He or she’s the colleague who would lose their head if it wasn’t attached to their neck!  They’re always forgetting where everything is. 

She “wonders” where she put her pen. Where she placed that registration card. What room asked for the wakeup call. And whether she gave the guest back his credit card.


Hard to trust this guy. A bit of a traitor.

You have to watch your back around him always.  He can turn against you the moment he feels that he needs to save himself.

Black Widow

She’s one of those coworkers you love to have in your shift. 

Tough, smart and always ready for action.


Pretty much like a dead log.  Just stands there not doing anything. 

Even when it gets super busy. 

Sometimes you feel like chopping him up into firewood so he’ll somehow be useful.


The one person you feel most at ease with when he’s on your shift.  

There is nothing he can’t and won’t do, to save the day.


He is that coworker who, no matter how toxic your day is, manages to make you laugh with his sarcastic sense of humor. And ability to make fun of even the most terrible and stressful situations. 

Every team needs a Deadpool!

Do you recognize these Hospitality Superheroes and Villains within your workplace? Which one do you think best represents you? Are there any other characters in your hotel workplace story?

Tell us in the comments!

Check out some of MY RANGGO’s real life Hospitality Heroes

What do you think?

Written by Angel Lam Ko

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