Online Trends: Providing Added Benefits to Your Traveler Experience

Online Trends: Providing Added Benefits To Travelers/Guests Experiences

Research by Google [1] on Online Trends, show there are 3.5 Billion Searches carried out every day on Google alone.

Think With Google [2] tells us that people using the words ‘Near Me’ when searching for something, visit 1.5 Billion destinations related to their search, each month!

  • More Searches are now carried out on Mobile Phones, than Desktop
  • 30% of all Mobile Searches are related to location
  • 76% of people who have done an online location search, visit a business that day

Making it pay to be listed online with up to date business information, on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+ and Foursquare Accounts.

Think With Google also tells us that [3.]:-

Nearly nine out of 10 travelers expect their travel provider to share relevant information while they are on their trip. 


67% of travelers feel more loyal towards a travel company that shares information during their trip, which improves their travel experience” 

Online Trends: Airbnb’s Hosted Walks

There are many Online Apps that have been developed to enhance travelers experiences, giving added value to customers or guests.  As well as Apps which capitalize on the increase in people using ‘near me’ or location searches on their cellphones.

But we especially love Airbnb’s “Hosted Walks” App, launched back in 2015.  Hosted Walks can actually be used by anyone, not just Airbnb guests, and really allows visitors to immerse themselves in the area where they are staying.  Airbnb hosts have provided audio recordings of particular areas, throughout New York, giving ‘locals tips’ that visitors would otherwise never know about.  Despite this App being 3 years old now; its concept is still current.

In 2016, Airbnb partnered with Detour [4.] to extend its Audio Walks in to other cities.  Travelers can tap in to the Airbnb App, under the Places Tab to access the hour long audios.  If they don’t have an hour, they can just jump in at any audio point on the walk and join in for as long as they can spare.

Locations already available, or in the works, are:- Downtown LA, San Francisco, London, Paris, Tokyo, and Seoul.

Online Trends: Hosted Walks – how does it work?

Travellers seeking directions, in an area offering Hosted Walks, via their Smart Phones will find an Advert for “Hosted Walks”.   They  can also sign in to their Airbnb Account and check for ‘Audio Walks’ under the Places tab.

By entering the location and Destination details, an online map is provided with markers along the way.

As the person reaches the marker, the App releases a pre-recording of an Airbnb Host talking about that area, its best-kept secrets and history.

Check the video below to see the concept in Action.

Article Sources:

  1. Search Engine Statistics 2018 – Smart Insights
  2. How Mobile Search Connects Consumers to Stores – Think with Google
  3. Mobile Trends in Travel Decisions – Think with Google
  4. Introducing Airbnb Audio Walks – Detour

What do you think?

Written by My Ranggo

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