5 Hotelier Commandments When Checking In As A Guest

Read up on 5 Hotelier Commandments you should follow when you are checking in as a guest.  

Hotel employee discounts are one of the unique perks of working in a hotel.  You get to experience the luxury of staying in a hotel at a fraction of the cost a normal guest would pay.  

Some hotels even allow you to extend the ‘friends and family’ rate to people who work in other hotels. So it’s great to build connections with other hoteliers.  


One way you can build connections with people in the industry is through the new RANGGO App.  Read more about the App here, then download it from the Play Store , subscribe and get networking!

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Some of the features of the RANGGO App


They say everyone should have a job in the service industry at least once in their lives.  That way, people will have more empathy for service providers, and not treat them as if they ‘bought their soul’ along with their purchase.

As hoteliers we should know this and make sure to be the best type of guest!


It is an awesome feeling to be able to experience what it’s like being on the other side of the counter. Being the guest and being served, instead of the other way around.  

And it’s nice for our family and loved ones to see us being looked after and enjoying the perks of our job.

However, it’s not surprising that some employees can get too caught up in the feeling and end up, intentionally or unintentionally, abusing their privilege. So, it’s important to be aware of the 5 Hotelier Commandments I’ve listed below.


Based on what I’ve observed in the past, there are two types of hotelier personality types when checking into a hotel. 

Type 1:  The ones who are super nice and understanding. They know what it’s like to be on the other side.

They fall in line and wait patiently for their turn. They speak to the staff politely. They give tips and discourage their family and friends from complaining or nitpicking over the ‘small’ stuff.  

They know and understand the stress that employees go through. And they know that all we want is for them to have a nice stay.  

In short, they treat the staff the way they want guests to treat them when they return to the realities of work.


Type 2:  The ones who are super demanding because they know how far they can push for upgrades, freebies and compensation.

They seem to ‘lose their head’ when it’s their turn to be a guest. 

They may be trying to impress their friends and family with insider knowledge for getting upgrades and freebies.  They may be bitter because of their job and want to get back at the hotel industry in general. 

Or they may simply want to squeeze the most out of the money they paid. 

Since these types of hotelier guests know the ins and outs of the industry, they know exactly what things to complain about. And how far they can go when demanding compensation.  “Hotelier din ako, alam ko yan.”

Whatever the case, these are the types of guests that employees end up talking about in the back office, and discussing during briefing sessions.

Nobody wants to be associated with the second type of hotelier guest. And you sure don’t want to find yourself being one.  


Thankfully, a lot of the hoteliers I’ve encountered in the past are of the first type.  I myself strive hard to be one.  

So, here are 5 Hotelier Commandments for how a good hotelier should conduct themselves when staying in a hotel. Whether it’s your own property or another hotel.

Hotelier Commandments 1: Fall in line and wait for your turn.

We all know how much we hate it when people cut in line or try to speak to us when we are assisting another guest.  

Just because you know the person at the front desk does not mean you should assert yourself as a priority, when clearly, other guests arrived before you did.  

An off duty hotelier waiting in a queue of guests at Front Desk, rather than pushing to the front of the queue. 5 Hotelier Commandments by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine Philippines


Be a good guest and wait patiently in line for your turn.


Hotelier Commandments 2: Speak to the staff politely and courteously.

Just because you’re a paying guest does not give you the right to be rude or  boss around the employees assisting you.  Even if they make mistakes.  Try to put yourself in their shoes.  

This shouldn’t be too hard to do, since you’ve most likely been IN their shoes! 

Show a bit of empathy, and cut them a bit of slack.  

You know for a fact that these people are working hard and only want to give their best.  

However, they’re only human (just like you!) so be a bit more understanding.  And behave the way you would want your guests to if you messed up at work.


Hotelier Commandments 3: DON’T put your colleagues in a tough spot!

As hoteliers we know that there are some perks and privileges that certain people and positions have the access or authority to give out. 

For instance, Guest Service Associates can prepare certain amenities such as celebration cakes, welcome drinks or special room setups.  

Front desk agents can give early check-ins and late check-outs.  

Duty Managers can give room upgrades and free breakfasts. 

F&B Supervisors can give out complimentary drinks or dessert.  


These are things that they have the discretion to give out.  Of course, it’s always based on availability and the situation at hand.  

If you have friends that are in the position to give out these perks, do not put them in a tight spot by asking or forcing them to do so.  

Off duty hotelier bragging to friends about how to get Freebies.. two hoteliers in the background looking angry


There are certain things to consider, and something you think of as simple, such as a small cake, could cost your colleague their job.  

If they want to pamper you, fine and thank you! But NEVER, ever demand.


Hotelier Commandments 4: Give tips and commendations

When you work in the service industry, there are two things that can make your job worth doing on a day-to-day basis – tips and commendations.

Tips, obviously, because we work to make a living.  And even an extra 20 Pesos is still an extra 20 Pesos you won’t find on the streets. 

Commendations, because the hospitality industry is often a thankless job, and these nice words of encouragement can give you a boost when you feel like giving up.  

Something as simple as a short note to the management commending the people who assisted you during your stay and  giving their name specifically can mean the world to them.

Praising a great job done and how particular people made your stay extra special, gives people a real boost and brings them into the spotlight with their supervisor.

As hoteliers we know how nice it feels when someone recognizes and acknowledges the work you do.  So make that little bit of extra effort to give it back to those who helped you during your stay.

Another way to thank the team is to ask if they are on the RANGGO App (link to download).  

If they are a RANGGO subscriber make sure to give them a good Ranking across the three areas and add a message too.   There are regular prizes for Top Rankers!


Hotelier Commandments 5: Leave your room as tidy as possible

We all know how hard our room attendants work to make sure they turn over clean rooms as fast as possible.  Let’s make it easier for them by not leaving our rooms in topsy-turvy conditions.  

No need to make the bed (they will strip it all off anyway), but do try to keep your trash on one side of the room. 

Split screen image of one person tidying their hotel room and another leaving a mess in theirs. 5 Hotelier Commandments by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine


Do not leave your towels on the floor unless they need changing and that is what the hotel asks you to do.  And do not leave your bathroom floor flooded or stains on the linen.  


We all hope that guests will treat us kindly. That they will be gracious with tips and not nitpick over little things with the intention of getting free stuff.  We hope that our guests will treat us and the hotel with respect.


So it is important that we should be the type of guest we want to serve. 

Being privy to the behind-the-scenes of the hospitality industry should provide you with more empathy and understanding. Don’t use that knowledge as a license to try and get your way just because you know you can.

Be a good guest and, who knows, the universe just might have a way of returning the favor by sending the most amazing guests back to you in return.

Can you think of other things hoteliers should consider when it’s their turn to be a hotel guest? Share it with us in the comments!

What do you think?

Written by Angel Lam Ko

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