
Get That Interview! eBook 1

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Welcome to my book Get That Interview! which has been designed to guide you through the many minefields of job searching.

Whether you are soon to graduate, have just graduated or if you are seeking employment, this book is here to guide and assist you every step of the way!

Product description

Get That Interview!


Get That Interview! is the first eBook in the series What They Can Never Teach You At Hotel School!

Whether you are soon to graduate, have just graduated or you are generally job seeking, Get That Interview! is crammed with good ideas and helpful tips, to guide and assist you every step of the way!

Get That Interview! covers where to look for hotel work, understanding what hospitality employers are looking for in a candidate, writing or updating a resume and the perfect cover letter, to preparing for interview.

“Never in history has the world changed so quickly and dramatically. No more so than in the world of work, and the way that companies and their employees work.

As a job seeker you must be prepared to be flexible in approach, actions and methods of job seeking. Without that attitude you stand little or less chance of getting a job”.


Get That Interview! Author, John H V Savage, Executive Director at International Hospitality & Tourism Educational Programs (IHTEP Asia) has spent over 55 years in the International Hospitality Industry and worked in over 45 different countries for Multi-National, National & private owners.

John is a highly entertaining and motivational lecturer, as well as a TV star in China for his 5Star Butler Course.

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