Readying to Open Boracay

Readying to Open Boracay

Hotel, Restaurant, Bar and Retail owners are getting ready to Open Boracay once again!

No-one would have believed, back in October 2018 that Boracay business owners would be completing papers and applications to open their businesses after another closure.  And yet here we are!

Covid Free Boracay

The DOT will soon Open Boracay.

Despite having direct flights from Wuhan full of Chinese tourists, up until the end of January.  Boracay has remained COVID free.

Boracay was one of the first provinces to halt tourists from Wuhan and China back in late January 2020. Business Stakeholders petitioned the LGU (Local Government Unit), Mayor and Governor to halt the direct flights.  Stakeholders cited the risk to its poorest and most vulnerable island residents.

The Mainstream Media regularly labelled island business owners as “greedy” during the 2018 closure. But the stakeholders reaction to the COVID threat displays the opposite.   Very few businesses could afford to take a second closure hit. Especially coming so quickly after the devastation of Typhoon Ursula, which affected many.   But all were united in asking for the Wuhan flights to be stopped.

One week later the ban was extended to travelers with a travel history to affected countries and regions.

As a result the island has remained COVID free.  Even after an “unofficial” visit by an infected member of the BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection).  And businesses are readying to open Boracay.

Business owners have also been active in supporting the islands Front-liners.  And organizing food drives and relief projects for the poorest islanders.  Many islanders earn income as a result of the tourism industry, rather than from working directly within the industry.


Who’s been cleared to open (as of 6th July 2020)

As much as Boracay would love to celebrate, there is unlikely to be an official celebration to Open Boracay. Unlike when the island reopened after a 6 month closure back in October 2018 – see our Boracay Opening in Pictures

Just know that if you choose to holiday in Boracay in 2020, you will be helping a community and the future of the island.

The following establishments (below) have now been cleared to reopen. You may check for further updates at LGU Malay‘s Facebook Page.

What do you think?

Written by My Ranggo

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