COVID-19 Heroes Gallery – Lock Down Weeks 1-2
MY RANGGO shares a COVID-19 Heroes Gallery for the first two weeks of Lock Down, to recognize the Heroes doing great acts of kindness to our other heroes; Front Line Staff and Employees. Filipino’s are renowned for pulling together in times of crisis. It is important that their stories, their kindness is showcased. Here are just some of the heroic acts that have taken place, in 2 weeks, since 15th March 2020.
So many people and groups have been inspired by others in these first 2 weeks of the COVID-19 Lock Down. We have tried to cover a variety in this article as an inspiration to others.
COVID-19 Heroes Gallery – Boracay
16th March-to present: The Sunny Side Group (The Sunny Side Cafe, Spicebird, Coco Mama, SuperMagic Burgers) have been focusing their energy on helping their community, either through direct donations or by sharing ways others can donate.
16th March donated eggs, cookies and fruit to the islands Front Line Medical Staff on closure of their restaurants.
29th March helped co-ordinate the donation and delivery of Aerosol Boxes to medical facilities in Boracay and Aklan. The Aerosal Boxes were donated by Living A Mark and Box of Hope.
29th March helped co-ordinate the donation and delivery of 24 pieces of 3D printed face shields to Dr Rafael Tumbokon Memorial Hospital in Kalibo. The 3D Printed Face Shields were made and donated by Odette’s Uncle Ramon Manapat. SRB Cargo assisted with the transportation of these masks from Manila to Aklan. The next batch of 3D Masks will be donated to the Front Line health workers in Boracay.
30th March Executive Chef Natalia Moran, in partnership with Frontline Feeders and Saddleback San Juan, cooked 325 packs of Adobong Puti. These were delivered to Front Liners working at the following:- Makati Medical Center (100 packs), UERM (100 packs), Cardinal Santos Medical Center (100 packs), and the San Juan Health Center (25 packs) today. If you’d still like to donate visit SpiceBird’s Facebook page, make a deposit into the bank account QR Code in the pics and DM them a copy of the transfer so they can confirm.
25th March – Gouache, which makes usually makes unique leather and waxed canvas bags, converted their sewing facility in order to produce a low-cost PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for Front Liners.
Fifty PPE scrub suits are already on the way to Front Liners at the Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital in Kalibo, Aklan. Once again Boracay local Stefan Becker of SRB Cargo stepped in to help with getting the Scrub Suits to Aklan. Along with Lalamove driver Gemar Pescante, who transported the suits from Marikina to Delpan Tondo where they will loaded onto the RoRo to Aklan. The Sunny Side Group also had a hand in this initiative; using their spare time to do what they can to help the communities they love.
The PPE costs P130 each to make and Gouache are accepting donations to help them make and deliver the PPE’s via their Facebook Page
18th March 2020 – Yellow Cab Pizza and Gerry’s Grill both sent surprise food deliveries to the Health Clinics in Boracay, with little messages of support and encouragement for the island’s Front Liners. Thanks were given from Scandi Medical Clinic, Boracay Alert Medical Clinic and Diagnostic (AMC), and Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic & Laboratory (MDMC)
20th March – Boracay’s McDonalds delivers some food to the islands clinics, including AMC
21 March ongoing – Ultimate Apparel Boracay has been busy making masks for the island’s Front Liners. CEO, Junthir Flores notes that the masks are standard masks made with Polyester, as advised by the DOH. The masks are made up of 2 layers with a pocket area where an additional filter can be slotted in. The masks can be washed and re-used with a fresh filter.
So far the costs of the masks have been covered by: Ultimate Apparel, MiniStop, Jony’s Beach Resort, Maya’s Restaurant and Giulius Italian Resorts and they have been donated to: Boracay Marines, KABALIKAT, Boracay’s Beach Guards and various establishments staying open as essential services.
21st & 28th March – Islanders Karoline Rodriguez & Jenny Ring posted an online plea, on 21st March, for donations to raise money to produce Food Parcels for the poor and vulnerable families on Boracay.
Under the Project name Gr8 People Around The World 340 parcels were packed up at Gr8 Art Bar and delivered around the island on the 28th March. Thanks go to the packing and delivering crew; Lukas Kaiser, Marita Ring, J.P. Ring, Michael Kennedy, Jenny Ring and Mel Marasigan, Gigi Coching Sacapano, Fatima Malabja, Amy Padre-e Capajo and Jacques Gosselin, Kim Frisch, Noel Ranoco and the MALAY PNP for transportation and the staff of OM Bar who helped with packaging.
Further Food Parcel distributions will take place in an ongoing effort to support the poorest families on the island. Anyone interested in donating money or goods should message Jenny Ring for details.
22nd & 23rd March Boracay’s Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) provided food to the Island’s Medical Clinics and staff
23rd-29th March – Southwest Travel & Tours have been actively volunteering and assisting during the COVID-19 crisis. The transport & Tours company, serving Boracay, Aklan and Iloilo have donated facemasks to the Kalibo health and PNP Frontliners, assisted Boracay’s Department of Tourism Office to transport stranded foreign nationals to the airports for Sweeper Flights to Clark and Manila, so they can return home. They’re also providing a free shuttle service to Front Line workers to get them to and from their place of work.
25th March – Freida Dario-Santiago, Boracay Sun’s Editor-in-Chief, used her social media audience to put out a request for donations for the Boracay Ati Tribal Organization (BATO); the original Boracay Ati families. The Boracay Ati Community Feeding Program came about when Freida learned from some of the villagers that (at the time) they were not being allowed to fish and they were unable to farm their village garden as the water had been cut off some months, to lay new pipes. Their water tank had also been destroyed by Typhoon Urusla. The 52 families of approximately 262 people (more than half of whom are children), in short were going hungry. Freida put out two posts on her facebook page.
Jocelyn Tano & Ranjeet Sundher responded on the 26th March, with donations of rice, Tinned food and noodles. On the 30th March Tina Occhionero, of Exit Bar and Kevin Salzlechner delivered more rice, chicken and groceries, which they were able to donate themselves as well as donations collected from family and friends. The food was delivered to the village by Boracay Mini-Mart.
For those wishing to send cash donations to provide further support to the Ati Village: Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Bank Account Name: Name- Elvira M. Oliamot/Rio A. Dublin Bank Account Number: 2523 0209 89
The Boracay Ati Community Feeding Program
27th March – Jolibee and McDonald’s join forces and donate meal packs to Front Liners PNP Boracay.
27th March – Boracay Business Administration of Scuba Shops (BBASS) and VP Commo Mike Labatiao donated sacks of rice to the islands Front Liners; 1 sack of rice to the Tanods at Barangay’s Yapak, Balabag and Manoc Manoc, 1 sack of rice to MAP and 2 sacks of rice to PNP Boracay and to Philippine Coastguard at Cagban.
28th March – My Boracay Guide, Villa Caemilla Beach Resort, Towns Foundation and UP Medical Foundation Inc donated soap, disinfectant, plastic wrap, surgical gloves and wipes to Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic & Laboratory (MDMC).
29th March – Bamboo Beach Boracay Management Team organised a Food Pack Distribution Drive for families on Boracay affected by work suspension due to COVID-19 Lock Down. Recipients were required to present their I.D. and Quarantine Pass. Recipients included staff of the resort.
30th March – The Astoria Group donates rice to the employees at Barangay Manoc Manoc and PNP Malay Boracay Tourist Police Station.
30th March – DoubleDragon, United Architects of the Philippines Boracay, LGBTQ Boracay and SB Datu Sumndad donate a total of 250 washable face masks to Front Liners Boracay Police.
30th March – Alta Vista de Boracay donated 100 individual boxes of disposable shower caps to the Front Liners at Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic & Laboratory (MDMC), as part of an initiative by Boracay Foundation Inc.
COVID-19 Heroes – Iloilo
22nd March 2020 – Business Owners in Iloilo come out in force, to donate cash and food items:-
- Property Developer Edgar “Injap” Sia II donated 500 sacks of rice and P1 Million
- Hennan Group of Resorts owner, Henry Chusuey has donated P3.5 Million for the purchase of COVID-19 Test Kits
- Roberto Chua Che Wai Foundation, along with the Iloilo Society Commercial will also use P1 Million to purchase COVID-19 Test Kits
- Hua Siong College and the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce Iloilo have donated P1 Million worth of rice, canned food and noodles
- The Que Family, which owns The Iloilo Supermarket chain has donated P1 Million for the city’s Isolation Center and community kitchens.
- Tony Jon, JTS Group has donated P1 Million
La Filipina Uy Gongco Group has donated P1 Million worth of bread
Philippine Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. Panay Chapter has donated 250 sacks of rice, 100 boxes of noodles and 30 boxes of canned sardines - The Iloilo Bankers Association donated 800 drums of chlorine, to assist barangays to sanitize their buildings
- The VIKINGS group has donated food for 300 people in hospitals and a further P100,000 towards the city’s cat population
- Carlos Uy has donated P100,000
- James Conlu donated 40 sacks of 25kg rice
- Max Uy, wonder of Summer House Restaurant donated 250 packed lunches to personnel of five of the city’s hospitals
- The Ong family donated packs of Yakult
- Phoenix Gasoline station donated 1,500 liters of diesel fuel
- Edgar Tiu, of Imperial Appliance has donated P500,000
- Light of Glory Taxi donated P250,000 towards personal protective equipment sets
- Jollibee and Luis Go donated 1,500 meals for medical teams
- USWAG ILONGGO donated 15,000 hamburgers
Information Source: ‘Businessmen, groups donate COVID-19 test kits, food for Iloilo City residents’ By: Nestor P. Burgos Jr. – @inquirerdotnet
27th March onwards – Adrian Pe is a Full-time nurse at The Medical City Iloilo, and a part-time fashion designer. Using his direct knowledge of PEE requirements Adrian created templates to make PPE’s, then set about securing materials and financial donations to make the suits.
The material that was available has led to some colorful PPE Suits being created, with comparisons to The Teletubies. The templates are sewn together by volunteer seamstresses and fellow Front Line workers.
COVD-19 Heroes Gallery – Kalibo
19th-30th March – Project Kalibo. To date (30th March) Project Kalibo has raised P293,750.25 towards various projects and support for Front Liners, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Project KALIBO also gave 100 washable masks for the security guards at the provincial hospital.
Project Kalibo reported on 29th March that Lind’s Dry Goods Center had donated 120 sets of raincoats. These were immediately transported to the Dr Rafael S Tumbokon Memorial Hospital, where they will be used as improvised PPE suits for the Front Line healthcare workers.
McDonald’s Kalibo and Project Kalibo worked together to send 45 Burger Meals, 45 Choco Pies, bottled water and fruit to the Dr Rafael S Tumbokon Memorial Hospital for the Front Line staff. McDonald’s Kalibo has made numerous donations of food to the medical Front Liners in Kalibo.
Donations are also made from ordinary people living in Kalibo. To donate go to their Facebook Page
COVD-19 Heroes Gallery – Manila
15th March 2020 – U Hotels Makati prepared and delivered meals to the Makati Medical City Emergency Reponse Team. Delivering messages of thanks and encouragement too!
15 March 2020 – Angkas set up an online Donation Form for the people of Manila to donate extra food and personal protective equipment.
Donations such as N95 masks, face shields, surgical gowns, gloves will be collected for those hospitals most in need of the items.
Angkas has committed to collect and consolidate the items before delivering them to the hospitals needing them.
Fill out the Donation Form here
15th March 2020 – Habanero Kitchen Bar, Cubao X closes its doors to customers but commits to producing 3D Printed Face Shields for Front Line Medical Workers.
Habanero has been using 3D Printers to make their own unique dessert plates and bowls.
They’ve even used the 3D Printer to replace broken kitchen equipment parts. Now the printer is being set up to create Printed Face Shields
16th March 2020 – The Kanto Freestyle Breakfast group and Chiliheads prepared and sent food packs to nearby hospitals, for doctors, nurses and other hospital staff. This kind action was a way of thanking the Front Liners for their tireless efforts in ensuring the safety of the community, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (First Posted in Hospitality Problems).
17th March – Oplan Hatid Laban sa COVID is launched on Facebook; this is a group co-coordinating volunteers and donations, which initially focused in and around Quezon City, Manila but then extended. Many volunteers are drivers either transporting medical supplies and equipment, or Front Line workers to and from their clinic or hospital. Front Line & Essential staff plus equipment have been transported to more than 40 hospitals in Manila.
Donations have been received from Daiso Japan PH among others.
Volunteer Albertito Lozada also updated that Oplan Hatid was able to install a solar panel for the peacekeeping Front Liners, providing them with light at night and a cellphone charging station, so they can keep in touch with loved ones. Albertito and his work colleague Joel P Catapang have volunteered for some of the driving and transportation. Another colleague Yeb Saño has assisted with the donations arm of the group. Albertito is also an Admin for a Facebook Page dedicated to food production and storage, which aims to inform and educate people during the Enhanced Community Quarantine: Food Production And Storage During a Lockdown
17 March 2020 – San Miguel switches one of their plants to the production of 70-percent ethyl alcohol, which will be donated to Manila LGU’s, to help sanitize and disinfect Hospitals, Government Buildings and public areas
Ramon S Ang, President of the San Miguel Corporation (SMC) advised that SMC will be donating free food to the most vulnerable and affected communities, and to the Front Liners; Hospitals, Health and Medical staff and government workers.
San Miguel has donated canned food, coffee and biscuits to LGU’s, Hospitals and Checkpoints around Metro Manila. Hospitals to receive these goods include
- Camp Karingal
- Eastern Police District
- Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center
- Las Pinas General Hospital
- Mandaluyong LGU
- Northern Police District
- Paranaque LGU
- Philippine Children’s Medical Center
- Philippine General Hospital
- Quirino Memorial Medical Center
- St. Luke’s Medical Center
- The Medical City
19 March 2020 – Angkas has set up an ongoing rice repacking and distribution program for fellow Angkas bikers unable to travel and who are now without income. Angkas aims to support the 23,000 families affected as best they can with these donations and delivery.
22nd & 23rd March – Seattle’s Best Coffee Philippines prepares and delivers snacks and beverages for Medical Front Liners, ahead of the stores closures
Front Liners at the following hospitals received the Food Packs:-
Fatima Hospital QC Gen Hospital
East Ave Heart Center
Pasig Gen Hospital Capitol Med
St. Lukes QC Cardinal Santos
Lourdes Hospital UST Hospital
Manila Doctors Makati Med
Photos Courtesy of Archie Calaguas, an employee at Seattle’s Best Coffee Philippines
24th March 2o20 – Project Ugnayan is a collaboration of business groups and the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), set up specifically for the COVID-19 crisis. The businesses taking part in the Project are contributing funds to then distribute P1,000 Gift Certificates for food items, to over 1 Million households in the poorest areas of Metro Manila. These vouchers will be distributed via Caritas Manila’s Project Damayan and ABS CBN’s Pantawid ng Pag-ibig program. Initially the vouchers will distributed to 4 areas before extending to other poor areas in Metro Manila.
The businesses contributing to Project Ugnayan include:
Aboitiz Group, ABS-CBN/Lopez Group, Alliance Global/Megaworld, AY Foundation and RCBC, Ayala Corporation, Caritas Manila, Century Pacific, Concepcion Industrial Corp, DMCI, Gokongwei Group of Companies/Robinsons Retail Holdings, ICTSI, Jollibee, Leonio Group, Mercury Drug, Metrobank/GT Capital, Nutri-Asia, Oishi/Liwayway Marketing Group PDRF, PLDT/Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, Puregold, San Miguel Corporation, SM/BDO, Sunlife of Canada, Suyen Corp.
More businesses are expected to join Project Ugnayan and contribute
Source: Big Businesses Raise Over P1-5B To Feed Metro Manila Urban Poor Amid Lockdown –
27th March – Max’s Group Inc launch their Pledge A Plate initiative, with 10,255 plates pledged in the first 24 hours!! The Pledge a Plate link allows the public to add to the Max’s Group own feeding program; by pledging 90P towards the cost of a hearty meal for Front Line Staff. Meals include Chicken BBQ, Caldereta, Lechon Kawali, Roast Beef, Kare Kare.
Visit to pledge a plate of a hot, filling meal for Front Liners, and they’ll take care of preparing and delivering these care packages.
30th March Ongoing – COVID-19 Food Drive PH.
Organized by alumi from Enderun College the project aims to secure ‘adoption’ of underprivileged families for 500P a day. This helps them to feed one family and cover the salary costs of the restaurant workers making and packing the meals.
Families in the following Barangay’s are receiving assistance; Calawis in Antipolo City, Jaime Cardinal Sin Village, Sta. Ana, Manila, St. Joseph Parish Upper Bicutan in Taguig City and San Vicente Ferrer Parish in Taguig City. Visit their Facebook Page for details on how to donate.
31st March – The Manila Hotel prepares and donates food to a number of hospitals including PGH, Ospital Ng Maynila, Tondo Medical Center, as well as the Philippine Coast Guard.
COVD-19 Heroes Gallery – Siargao
28th March – Apsaras Tribe donated disposable shower caps to Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic (MDMC) to assist in the protection of the Front Line medical team.
30th March – DALE Food Distribution donated two boxes of 100 Vinyl Gloves to the Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic Siargao to assist the Front Liners in their work
30th March – Coco Pod Hostel & Sirena Spa donated food and beverages to sustain the Front Liners of Metropolitan Doctors Medical Clinic Siargao
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