Employee Subscribers
What does the RANGGO App offer its employee subscribers?
RANGGO App has been created specifically for the Hospitality, Tourism and Service industry’s rank & file employees, and the Businesses which employ them.
RANGGO App has a range of great features and functions for its employee subscribers and we will be continuing to add and develop these:
Exclusive Loyalty Deals & Promo’s from RANGGO’s business partners offering buy-1-get-1 deals to discounts on food & drinks, tours and hotel stays.
The RANGGO Rank feature so you can rate peers and colleagues across three categories and they can rate you. There will be Awards and Prizes for subscribers who are Ranked 1st in their Industry or job category.
Job Listings complete your RANGGO App profile in full and send your resume direct to employers advertising jobs at the touch of a button!
Social Newsfeed much like Facebook but industry specific.
Downloadable Resources to help you build on your skills, knowledge and expertise.
Event Listings, join a local Peer Networking group, or create your own event to meet up with peers and colleagues.
Download the RANGGO App today!