Hospitality Workmate Types: Front Desk Officers

You will meet a wide range of hospitality workmate types throughout your life.  And, regardless of the expected personality clashes, you will need to learn how to manage your working relationships.

Learning to handle ‘difficult’ guests is one thing.  But one of the most challenging things you’ll ever encounter, while working in the hospitality industry, will be dealing with the different hospitality workmate types.

People working in hospitality come from all sorts of cultural, educational and social backgrounds.  You will be working with people of different ages, genders, work experience and even different nationalities.  So, you’re bound to come across a few interesting personalities.  Some may feel toxic as hell. Others will become friends for life!

I’m sure every job or industry has its own unique set of characters in each departmental team. If you work at a hotel, particularly on the Front Desk, I’m sure you are going to recognize some (or all!) of these Front Desk hospitality workmate types!


The OC

We love having this person on our shift! It means that the supplies will be replenished. The desk will be tidy. The rooms will be properly assigned and they will even give everyone a photocopy of the duty roster once it’s posted.

Just don’t mess with their work area, especially their reports and cash float!

Catchphrase: “May kailangan kang supplies? Magrerequest ako.”


The Sabog

The complete opposite of the OC, this person is a crazy mess at the desk! 

They end up misplacing their receipts and registration cards.  They swipe their cards at the wrong terminals. They put the wrong room number on the keycard holder. And they are often going home two hours late because they can’t figure out why their cash float is not complete. 

Catchphrase: “Ay, terminal mo ba to? Sorry, sorry.”


The Honda

These people are masters at multitasking and work at top speed. 

However, don’t rely on them to be the one to volunteer when someone needs to extend or cover another shift. They are usually out the door “honda-dot” or the second their shift ends.  

It’s great that they are efficient enough to finish all their work on time.  But sometimes, The Honda can also get on the nerves of people working the same shift. Especially when they start doing their end-of-shift balancing reports way before they should.

Catchphrase: “Bala-balanse na ko ha? Pagamit na lang muna ng kaha.”

Hotelier multi-tasking answering the phone, working on her laptop and processing Guest check-ins. Article: Hospitality Workmate Types-Front Desk Officers by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine
The Honda’s Catchphrase: “Bala-balanse na ko ha? Pagamit na lang muna ng kaha.”


The Foodie

These hospitality workmate types are the very reason you are all gaining weight! 

This person is the one who always initiates a group delivery order. When everyone else is giving their milktea or fast food orders you end up ordering something too.  Even though you’re already full from the cafeteria food you ate earlier.

Catchphrase: “Order tayo? Ano sa’yo?”


The Incontinent

These types are the ones where you are really not sure if they have legit bladder problems. Or if they just simply want to escape from work. They suspiciously seem to need to go to the bathroom every time a long queue starts to form at the Front Desk.  AND they take their sweet time when they’re there! 

Catchphrase : “CR lang ako.”

Two Hotel Front Desk Staff at the Front Desk, with a queue of guests waiting to check-in, one of the hoteliers is walking away saying she needs to go to the bathroom. Article: Hospitality Workmate Types-Front Desk Officers by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine
Catchphrase : “CR lang ako.”


The Activist

These hospitality workmate types are the ones who seem to hate their jobs but for some reason will not leave.  Instead, they choose to come to work every day shrouded by a cloud of gloom. 

They complain about the working conditions, the lack of benefits, the bosses, their teammates and everything in between. 

They have an opinion about everything that management tries to implement. And bring up consulting the Department of Labor and Employment every now and then.

Catchphrase: “O, ano na naming pahirap sa’tin yan?”


The Printer Fixers

For some reason, whenever that particular difficult guest approaches the desk, the printer starts to “act up”. Causing these types to squat down and “check the printer”.

This, of course, pushes the guest to automatically go to the person next available person.

It’s so predictable and annoying!  And we all know there’s nothing actually wrong with the printer!

Catchphrase: “Teka, nagpaper jam yata printer ko.”

Hotelier at Front Desk, with a queue of guests, a voice is coming from under the desk saying "I need to fix the printer". Article: Hospitality Workmate Types-Front Desk Officers by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine
Catchphrase: “Teka, nagpaper jam yata printer ko.”


The Loverboy

That guy who seems to hit on every single female in the team. 

He seems to considers himself as God’s gift to women. And he takes full advantage of being one of the few men in a predominantly female department; trying it on with everyone. Even the trainees!

Catchphrase: “May lakad ka mamaya? Shot tayo!”


The Vacuum Cleaner

These hospitality workmate types are the ones who usually get their way, by sucking up to the bosses.  

They know, and master, the art of office politics and use it to their advantage. Whether it’s getting approved leave or their preferred shift, they usually get what they want by knowing how to work with the bosses.

Catchphrase: “Ma’am ba’t ang blooming mo ngayon? Ay, may pasalubong pala ako sa inyo galing province!”

A Senior Hotelier standing next to a Hotel Front Desk, on the desk is a vacuum cleaner and a box of chocolates. Article: Hospitality Workmate Types-Front Desk Officers by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine
Catchphrase: “Ma’am ba’t ang blooming mo ngayon? Ay, may pasalubong pala ako sa inyo galing province!”

The Seniors

These hospitality workmate types are not supervisors. But the way they boss people around, they may as well be! 

They’ve been there longer than you have.. And they won’t let you forget it. 

They’re usually part of a fully-formed clique too. It will take a long time before newbies can successfully incorporate themselves into their crowd.

Catchphrase: “You can’t sit with us.”


The Bakod

They know, by heart, the guests who are big tippers. And they make sure that they are ready to jump in and assist them. And reap the benefits! 

You can find them constantly coordinating with the transportation desk. Then anxiously waiting at the entrance for “their guest” to arrive.

You can guarantee that they will also personally escort the big-tipping guest up to their room, for that maximum-quality-service, deserving of some kerching-kerching!

Catchphrase: “Hello, Avis, 3rd call na ba si guest?”

A hotelier standing with a hotel guest being really helpful because the guest tips well, her colleague has been left behind at the Front Desk. Article: Hospitality Workmate Types-Front Desk Officers by MY RANGGO Hospitality Magazine
Catchphrase: “Hello, Avis, 3rd call na ba si guest?”


The Perfect Teammate 

You love having them on your shift! 

They arrive for work early. They familiarize themselves with the day’s arrival, departure and VIP list. They replenish supplies without being asked. They share their tips. They help with your transactions when they see that you’re overwhelmed. 

They are organized and they are fun to talk with during down times, when there are no guests. They are positive, responsible and a joy to be around. Sana all!

Catchphrase: “Ako na dyan friend, magbalanse ka na sa loob.”


It will definitely sharpen your people skills when you have to deal with these hospitality workmate types on a daily basis. Not to mention teach you to strengthen your self-control, when you are struggling and fantasizing about choking someone. 

But these different characters, although some may be very annoying, ensure that our days working on the Front Desk are never dull, and always interesting!

Have you worked with these hospitality workmate types before? Which one can you identify with the most?

Or, do you identify more with my Hospitality Superheroes and Villains


Share it with us in the comments!

What do you think?

Written by Angel Lam Ko

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