We Are Aware (Boracay)

We Are Aware (Boracay)
Environmental Awareness Advocates

We Are Aware Boracay Eco Heroes We Are Aware Boracay Eco Heroes We Are Aware Boracay Eco Heroes We Are Aware Boracay Eco Heroes


  • DENR
  • Boracay Foundation Inc (BFI)
  • Friends of the Flying Foxes (FFF)
  • Boracay Island Water Company (BIWC)
  • Shangri-La Boracay’s Resort & Spa (SLBO)

We Are Aware!

An environmental awareness campaign for the island of Boracay; about our environment, why we should care and what we can do. We hope to inspire each individual to be a part of this and take a step every day for our island’s environment.

Things you make sure you focus on in your work:

We Come Together irregardless of our affiliations or organizations; the common theme is the care and concern for Boracay Island

We need to help create Awareness in the Community in order for them to understand why we need to protect Boracay

Awareness = REAL Understanding = Concern = Co-operation and Compliance for the Preservation of Boracay’s environment

Top tip for your Hospitality colleagues:

For any community benefiting from tourism gains, everyone has the responsibility to preserve their destination or island. To spread awareness about their surrounding natural environment and the need to protect the environmental “Assets” (e.g. Biodiversity = indigenous animals, such as Boracay’s ‘Flying Foxes, marine resources, wetlands, forests, etc)

Your activities:

  • We Are Aware visits organizations and establishments in Boracay (we hope to cover the entire Malay community in the future). We do this for FREE and allocate our invaluable time to help spread awareness on a range of environmental and ecological issues. All the establishments we visit need to do, is provide a venue or space which is conducive to holding We Are Aware sessions (1.5-2 hrs per session) and to gather their employees to attend. The sessions help them to be more aware of Boracay’s environment and the ongoing efforts, and other things that need to be done in order to protect the island in the long run.


  • The members of We Are Aware are not new to the realities that Boracay’s environment is facing. All are familiar that sometimes what appears as a lack of concern, stems from a lack of awareness and understanding. It is this that leads to people violating environmental laws, or downplaying the environmental issues over economic gains.

What’s in your Future?

  • We hope to be able to reach out to more establishments and organizations, and their people, in order for us to gain more co-operation for the community in terms of compliance to environmental regulations.

For interested Boracay establishments and organizations, sign up for FREE and help We Are Aware reach more people, so they can proudly say: “WE ARE AWARE!”

To schedule a session contact:
Cristian Gelito at the BFI Secretariat 2883971
or email at boracayfoundation@yahoo.com

What do you think?

Written by Mike Vargas

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Janelle Katipunan-Ante (Jen)

Colene Tan (Coco)