Vince Navarette

Vince Navarette
Activities Director & Tour Guide: My Boracay Guide
Partner Boracay Heat Hot Sauce

Vince Navarette MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero Vince Navarette MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero Vince Navarette MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero

Three things Vince made sure to focus on in his work:

His genuine Love for Boracay Island
His Optimism, Mark saw every day as different; a different day, a different adventure
His Passion for wanting tourists to take back great memories, or to remember something good about Boracay when they go back home.

Top tips for Hospitality colleagues:

For Vince Communication was key. He took pride in remembering and using his guests names, when addressing them. So they didn’t feel like they were one of many, and not important. Hearing their name used was like ‘music’ to their ears.

Integrity – Vince’s attitude was always ‘Even if there is no-one there to see or know, ALWAYS do the right thing, especially at work’; he was such a professional in every thing he did.

How was Vince an Industry Hero?

Vince didn’t just assist guests on their tours, he always made sure he tried the activities too so he could explain them to guests, and he was always looking for new activities to add to their itineraries.

Vince would always try to read up about the country or nationality of his guests. So when he met them he could talk about things the guest could relate to, whether about their country’s sports teams, a famous landmark, or a rock band from that area. Each person might share more about their country or culture, and he’d remember that too and talk about it with the next guest. For the guests it made them feel proud and recognized; that their Tour Guide knew about their country or culture.

Vince was an adventure-seeker; whether island activities, diving as part of the ocean clean-up activities, selling his hot sauce to raise funds for Ocean Preservation and Coral Reef Planting. He would eat at local restaurants, so he could recommend great places with great food, encouraging tourists to try these instead of the recognizable Fast Food chains.

It was all of the little things he did, that you might barely notice, so he could share his genuine experiences with his guests, when assisting them, so they would make the most of their time and experience on the island.

Unique Experiences:

Vince was able to directly assist a number of TV Show Celebrities (local and SouthEast Asian Celebrities). These included Kris TV, Motorcycle Diaries, Pop TV and Magandang Buhay. Promoting Island tourism and spreading awareness of how to care for the island


Vince’s mentor, Barry Chew was someone who inspired him a lot. And Bob Marley, and his music; which inspired positivity in him and a philosophy in life, that you can do anything if you put your heart in to it.


His greatest legacy is My Boracay Guide and Boracay Heat Hot Sauce. I really believe, as do others that they wouldn’t have been as strong from the start, if it wasn’t for Vince’s hard work, passion, loyalty and dedication.

Vince’s other legacy is the friends he has left behind, who have learned from his example; from his attitude to life. He’s also left some amazing photos of his life, loves, and work on his Facebook page.

Vincent passed away on 25th September 2019 and is greatly missed by all who knew and loved him.

What do you think?

Written by Mike Vargas

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Ryan Alba

Ernesto M Taeza Jnr (Chef Padz)