Ryan Alba

Ryan Alba
Founder of Soul Kitchen, El Nido

Ryan Alba Soul Kitchen MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero Ryan Alba Soul Kitchen MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero Ryan Alba Soul Kitchen MY RANGGO Hospitality Hero

Soul Kitchen was created with the aim of offering cheap but healthy meals to tourists and residents in El Nido. Ryan has implemented a ‘Pay-It-Forward’ community support service; for every meal purchased a FREE MEAL ticket is issued, which can be given to a local of El Nido to claim at Soul Kitchen.

Three things you make sure you focus on in your work:

Understanding the nature of the business and know how it should be operated
Making goals and identifying all possibilities to achieve them
Find the right people; identify with them on all that is needed to be done and make sure everyone is doing all that is needed to be done.

Top tip for your Hospitality colleagues:

Travel and experience as many places, hotels, restaurants and tours as possible.

Your activities:

Soul Kitchen offers fresh and healthy meals at an affordable price (Php 100 to Php 150). A ticket is issued with every meal purchase, which can be given to any local, residing in El Nido. The ticket holder can then claim a FREE MEAL in Soul Kitchen.

The inspiration for this concept is the idea itself of being able to help others less fortunate. Especially as it is expensive for locals to eat in El Nido.

In our second month of operations, January 2020, we have fed people from 40 different countries and given out 934 free meals to El Nido locals.


The idea that Soul Kitchen could be able to help others, whilst serving the tourists and visitors to El Nido with healthy but affordable food.

What’s in your Future?

My dream, my goal is to open more branches of Soul Kitchen. And that the Soul Kitchen concept may encourage others to find ways to be a light for those in need.

What do you think?

Written by Mike Vargas

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Tiffany Lim Ngo (Tiff)

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