Gian Paolo Sison

Gian Paolo Sison
Head Chef/Owner: Carnivores Snack Shack, Alabang, Muntinlupa
Lead singer: Hey Moonshine

Gian Paolo Sison Gian Paolo Sison Gian Paolo Sison Gian Paolo Sison

Three things you make sure you focus on in your work:

Sourcing Top quality ingredients. I believe that the ingredients are just as important as the recipe itself. Cutting corners may even cost you a lot.

Cleanliness comes next, this is very crucial since I’m in the food business. My work space needs to be clean always, to avoid cross contamination. The last thing that I would want is my clients paying me for my food and getting sick.

Experiment. Don’t be afraid to experiment; if you think you can add something to make a traditional dish better, do it! Cooking is a never ending learning process, this also helps keep the boredom away when doing the same thing over and over again.

Top tip for your Hospitality colleagues:

My tip to others is that you need to keep on trying other foods. Go out and try to experience the food, consider how it’s different from the other foods; you’ll be amazed on how dishes vary in taste and texture. Chefs often put their signature stamps on their dishes, so try to discover what they are and see which inspires you more.

Your activities:

As a Chef, I do Feeding Programs for street kids and the homeless. We have done small scale Feeding Programs for just five families right up to bigger ones for as many as one hundred (100) families. We don’t always do this on our own; we partner up with other people who want to help out as well.

The band I’m in, Hey Moonshine, proudly play and support fundraising gigs and events. There’s really no defined process on how we choose which fundraisers we support. As long as we are invited to help out, it’s something that is close to our hearts, then we do it.

Some of the benefit gigs Hey Moonshine has participated in were:

Hardbound’s Balik Eskuwela – where donations of school supplies were given to less fortunate students

Stellar Productions’ Rockin’ for a Cure – where proceeds went to two cancer patients

Project 4 and Twist’s Ayuda – a benefit gig for Taal volcano victims and evacuees

Jamming for Kayla – a benefit for a cancer patient named Kayla

Save our Furry Friends – which is an advocacy close to my heart. We were able to get a lot of donations for Save Our Furry Friends as well.

We don’t really select what gigs or fundraisers we’ll help or support; as long as our schedule permits, we’d gladly do it.


I’m inspired by the idea of being able to help others, and by the people around me. My clients who never fail to commend my work; the feedback that I get is just so overwhelming. So, as long as people like my food, I will never stop cooking.

What’s in your Future?

I plan on having a restaurant of my own. Something more accessible for people. I think that I have enough experience to venture into it. By God’s grace, it will happen. As for helping the community, we will continue to do what we are doing now. A bigger production would mean we can do it more often.

What do you think?

Written by Mike Vargas

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